Friday, April 17, 2009

Seto Runs 5k!

Good Day Folks,

First of all, I would like to say thank you to all my supporters to date for their donations, encouragement and volunteer time in support of YMCA Strong Kids!

Quick Training Update:

Glad to report that I survived a 5k run today:-) My first 5k since the inaugural Bluenose Marathon in 2004 and it felt great! Looking forward to running the actual route before the big day...let's hope for a nice DRY day:-)

Fundraising Progress and Upcoming Events:

Thanks to your generous donations, I am very close to achieving my fundraising goal of $2,000.

Congrats to my fellow YMCA Champions that have exceeded the initial $1,000 fundraising goal and good luck to those that are almost there! GO Team YMCA Strong Kids Champions!

Fundraising never seems to end, as myself and my recruits have been selling Raffle Tickets for the past week. Volunteers will be busy next week in their kitchens baking goodies for the bake sale on Friday, April 24th in the lobby of the South Park Y. Remember to Spring Clean for YMCA Strong Kids Yard Sale on Saturday May 2nd from 9:00 - 1:00pm at the South Park YMCA.

That's all for now folks, have a great weekend!

To sponsor me, just click on the link below. Thank You!

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Still Have All My Hair

First Strong Kids' fundraiser a huge success, fun was had by all children and volunteers! The children enjoyed an evening of face painting, arts and crafts and make your own pizza. The fun never stopped, as some watched the movie of choice "Bolt", while others played board games, puzzles and crafted beaded jewellery for their loved ones! Thanks to all parents for your generous donations to YMCA Strong Kids and volunteers for their valuable time! Total raised $290!

Upcoming fundraising events:
  • YMCA Strong Kids Bake Sale - Friday April 24th
  • YMCA Strong Kids Yard Sale - Saturday May 2nd - 9:00 - 1:00pm
Spring Clean for Strong Kids - donations of old treasures are accepted for the yard sale now until April 30th at the South Park YMCA - Attention: Barb Wade, Director of South Park Child Care Centre.
Thanks! Here are some photos from Friday night:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Can You See Me Now?

In case you were unable to locate me in the group photo (2008 Y Relay Team), here's a current shot of me working out. If you haven't visited my Bluenose Marathon Online Pledge site, I've met the minimum fundraising goal of $1,000 and have decided to up the ante to $1,500. Run Seto Run!

The first of my fundraisers is this weekend, Pizza and Movie Night with Preschoolers! Check back on Monday to see how it went or just to see if I still have hair:-)